Why I Do What I Do~ And Why I Love It

Why I Do What I Do~ And Why I Love It
Last night I got to introduce four delightful humans to their own inner-artist!

I love doing what I do.

In fact, I'm doing what I can't not do.




At first glance, and upon the surface, it appears that I'm merely teaching people how to paint, giving them a couple of hours of instruction, so that they can replicate the painting I'm instructing.

Y'know, a bit of generic fun and entertainment.


But if you look deeper, and if you actually experience it first-hand, what you will discover is that I am fulfilling my mission on planet Earth: to inspire and enable others to see and be who they truly are.

While I'm offering inspirational instruction, I'm discussing philosophy, self-actualization, and shadow work. I'm weaving in snippets of encouragement, humorous insights into human patterns and behavior, stories from my own life that are intended to spark connection with their lives.

Y'know, meaningful-fun.

I always encourage the participants to follow their own intuitive and creative hunches, to express themselves in their artistry, even if it deviates from what I'm instructing. I love that there are never any two paintings alike in the room.

I often interpret their paintings for them, telling them what their own subconscious is revealing to them, through their bodies, and onto the canvas.

I'm helping them to face their fears, just by showing up in public and daring to reveal their innermost creativity. It's a lot like skydiving, only there's no risk of bleeding, dismemberment, or death.

I'm helping them to see not only their painting, but their entire lives, from a fresh perspective.

I'm helping them to discover their own sense of confidence, as I increase their competence, and I love watching them fall a little more in love with themselves, through the process.

I also create an inviting atmosphere, where it's safe to bring their vulnerabilities out to play, and I watch as diverse and otherwise-divided humans, come together, upon an equal playing field, where we each get to show a bit of our best-selves, in an atmosphere of acceptance and celebration.

And all y'all thought it was just about paint..! ;)

(The fourth person has a job that prevents him from showing himself on social media, so he's currently cleverly-disguised as a chair.)

If you would like to participate in one of my paint parties, just check out my Calendar and dive in. You can also ask me to conduct a private paint party for you. And yes, I do these in person and also through Zoom.


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