Paint-Parties for KIDS (& their Parents)!

For the past six years, I've had the pleasure, and the honor, of introducing kids to their own inner-artist, at once-a-month Paint-Parties for them, at the McMinnville Community Center.  I've loved watching children discover a passion for creating, and watching them develop over the years.This happens every third Wednesday, each month, for kids aged 7-16 (though we do make exceptions for older/younger).  Recently, we've had parents request to join in -- and the results, both artistically and connectively, have been amazing!Last night, we painted "Four Seasons Tree" together -- and my favorite part is that there are no two alike.  From the back of the room, it looked like a magical forest was emerging!  I love watching children develop both competence and confidence, while having meaningful-fun!If you have a child/children who would like to join in, just reach out to the Community Center, and register (503-434-7310).  This is a drop-in opportunity -- no commitment required, so your child can try it out, and see if they enjoy it.  AND, you, as their parent/guardian, are also welcome to participate ... or, you may drop your child off, or stay to watch.Every August, as well, we have a 5-day Summer Art Camp.  This year, it's August 1st - 5th, in Discovery Meadows Park, and it's limited to the first 30 registrants -- again, you can register through the Community Center. Your child/ren will paint two paintings per day, for 5 days, while having a wonderful time.I also conduct public Paint-Parties for all ages, throughout the Willamette Valley, and I'm available for private Paint-Parties as well.  In addition, I offer Paint-Parties for Seniors in Retirement Communities,  Fundraiser Paint-Parties, and Team-Building Paint-Parties for businesses.


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